Sunday, January 4, 2015

Choosing a low carb lifestyle...

Almost two years ago to date, I realized it was time to change my eating habits.  I loved love food!  My husband and I would even go as far to say that we are foodies.  We frequently try out new foods, new restaurants, and we have even participated in cooking class and several food tours.  (If you've never done a food tour, I highly recommend it: see links below). However, my youngest son turned one at the end of 2012, and I decided my weight was out of control.  He was my third baby, so I knew we were finished having kids, and I ignored my weight for his entire first year.  I stepped on the scale in January of 2013 and it was upwards of about 215 pounds, the most I'd ever weighed.

Left: November 2012    Right: November 2013

I didn't make a New Year's resolution because those were always broken, but I wanted to make a lifestyle change.  I started a slow carb diet, and I lost almost 20 pounds in the first two months. Something was finally working.  I continued on a strict diet through August and ended up losing a total of 45 pounds.  I seem to hit a plateau at this point.  I continued working out and eating right, but I couldn't lose any more weight.  Results were minimal and mostly seen in inches and muscle tone.  I'd like to lose another 20 pounds, but I've decided to be happy even if I can't.  It has not been easy to keep the weight off, especially on vacations and holidays.  I can put on 15 pounds in a month if I'm not watching what I eat.  Since I have found something that works for me, though, I'm okay with it.  I can eat what I want over the holidays, as long as I stop it there.  I have goal weights, and an "Eek weight," and an "Oh crap" weight.  After this holiday season, I'm at the "Oh crap" weight, but that's okay because my low carb lifestyle begins again now.  

I know I will eventually get to the point of eating healthy all year round, but I LOVE food, and I still want to enjoy pumpkin pie and Christmas tree cakes, no matter how much I know I shouldn't.  So this blog is mostly a help for living low carb.  I'll post menus, recipes, and what I eat.  Feel free to share ideas or tips, or just share my blog with a friend who wants to eat low carb as well.  Here's to a new year and a low carb lifestyle!!!

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